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First Aid Kit BUNDLE

NEW RELEASE! Here by demand and for a LIMITED TIME ONLY The Equine First Aid Spring Bundle has come about from the needs of my clients. This bundle will bring you peace of mind, knowing you a covered to treat a huge variety of ailments. 

Included in the bundle is:

1 x 250ml Salve-Ation

1 x 250 ml Colic RX

1 x U-Bute - Containing 8 doses

1 x Equi-Chill - Containing 2 doses

1 x Calendula & Golden Seal Eye Wash, Complete with Eye dropper bottle.

1 x laminated card with all ingredients, directions for use and specifications of what each product does.

1 x  Easy to read laminated card with the average horse's TPR  (temperature, pulse, respiration)

 Perfect to keep in your tack room or on your fridge for quick reference in an emergency.

Who does this bundle suit? 

Any one who wants to be prepared in the case of an emergency as well as anyone who wishes to have a natural alternative to sedatives, painkillers and chemical laden topical lotions.

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