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Herbs For Horses Workshop


Learn about how you can help your horse naturally, safely and effectively!

Topics we will cover:

• A brief and simple overview of some of the equine body systems and how they work.

  • Herb actions, functions and contraindications
  • Impact on body systems
  • What body systems to treat for which symptoms
  • Herb selection
  • Prescription  for 30 common ailments 
  • General tonic herbs
  • In depth look at how and why we use Bach Flower Remedies
  • When and how to administer Tissue Salts
  • How to make tinctures, infusions, decorations and oils
  • Encapsulated herbs

What you get:

• A full day of usable knowledge to help your horse.
• A printed workbook with course content.
• A chance to go in the draw to win a Herbal First Aid Kit from Mickie Magan Equine Herbalist.

Mickie will have products on sale on the day. 
A great way to get what you need and save on postage!

Herbs For Horses Workshop With Mickie Magan 

Date: Saturday 5th October  2024 

Address:  Sherony Park

134 Read Rd Sutton 

Time: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm
Cost:  $200.00 per person            

Book Online here.


** Please arrive 8.30 for a 9.00am start. As there is a lot information to cover and we would appreciate everyone being settled in on time.

Morning and Afternoon tea will be provided.
Please bring a packed lunch and snacks for yourself if you have special dietary requirements.

We hope to see you there!

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